Category Archives: Spanish
Day 11 – “Do you like chicken?” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 11 – “Do you like chicken?”
Day 10 – “I like to eat bacon.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 10 – “I like to eat bacon.”
Day 09 – “I need to clean my room.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 09 – “I need to clean my room.”
Day 08 – “I need to walk the dog.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 08 – “I need to walk the dog.”
The reason I chose this phrase is because I just got done watching my sister’s dogs while she was out of town. So I tried to think of how I can use my habitat language while I was doing that. I also wanted it to relate to the power tool phrases from my DIY Spanish book. Walking the dog seemed to work nicely with the power tool phrase “I need to ______.”
Disclaimer: I realize there might be some euphemisms that are used in slang when it comes to certain phrases, such as ones with the word “dog.” I apologize in advance if I say anything inappropriate accidentally. I assure you that I am not familiar with any euphemisms for the phrases I am using today, and if there are any, it is honestly by utter accident. And again, if so, I am sorry!
Continue reading Day 08 – “I need to walk the dog.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 06 – Mix & Match (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 06 – Mix & Match
Today I didn’t learn a new phrase. Instead, I took the 5 phrases I learned throughout the week and experimented with them like legos. I wanted to see if any of the components can be mixed and matched together to create new phrase combinations. Indeed they did!
Continue reading Day 06 – Mix & Match (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 05 – “I like to rollerblade.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 05 Phrase – “I like to rollerblade.”
Today I knew I wanted to practice saying “I like <to do something>” in Spanish regarding my hobbies. This is one of the power tool phrases from the DIY Spanish book I’m using as a reference guide. Then I chose an item from my habitat that represents the hobby I like to do, such as “rollerblades.”
So, I am using the Language First approach to the Habitat Language strategy I teach in the Foreign Language Smart start video course. This is when I start with a phrase or sentence from my language materials first, then make it relevant by adding in things from my own habitat.
Continue reading Day 05 – “I like to rollerblade.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 04 – “Look at the clouds.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 04 Phrase – “Look at the clouds.”
Today I was outside at a free music concert in the park! We have a thing here during the summer where I live called “Jazz on the Green.” Every Thursday night there are jazz bands that come and play on an outside stage in a park. It’s a huge event! Bunches of people gather out on the grassy lawn with their family and friends for what is essentially a giant picnic. Everyone brings all sorts of sandwiches, snacks, goodies and drinks. They lay out their blankets, fold-up chairs and tables, and feast while they listen to live jazz music.
Continue reading Day 04 – “Look at the clouds.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 03 – “I have to wake up.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 03 Phrase – “I have to wake up.”
Today I didn’t choose a single item in my habitat, per se, but rather I chose my morning routine. During my morning routine I’m pretty much doing the same things every day. I suppose that’s why they call it a routine 🙂 And since I’m doing the same things over and over again daily, this is a perfect example of habitat language. But first, let’s review what we did yesterday.
Continue reading Day 03 – “I have to wake up.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 02 – “I’m going to turn on the lights.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)
Day 02 Phrase – “I’m going to turn on the lights”
Today we will start with our first actual Habitat Language phrase. Habitat language is just that – language I’m using from my own habitat or surroundings.
I am using strategies from my video course called The Foreign Language Smart Start in order to help me start learning my first words and phrases in Spanish. You can check out the introduction to these strategies by watching the video course. It’s completely free – no opt in required. Just go HERE!
These strategies apply to ANY language you are learning, so you don’t have to be learning Spanish to follow along.
Let’s start by refreshing our minds with the phrases we learned last time.
Continue reading Day 02 – “I’m going to turn on the lights.” (28 Day Spanish Challenge #1)